Monday, April 12, 2010

Puppy needs a name

The folks are looking for a name for the Maltese puppy they'll pick up from a local breeder when they visit at the end of the month. In some 40 years of having dogs, this is the first time they'll have a boy dog. Dad says they're looking for a big, masculine name for their puppy that will be all of seven pounds full grown.
Any suggestions? At supper, here were a few names we came up with: Brutus, Zeus, King, Rex...
The photo is the latest from the breeder.

1 comment:

HavetoomuchYarn said...

Butch, Spike, Goliath, Rambo, Hammer, Moose, Barbarian, Terminator.

who's favourite is Goliath...with Barbarian as a close second — Barbie for short...