Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sewing Conference fun

Last Friday, got to attend the annual Calgary sewing conference. It's full of great temptations to spend money -- booth after booth. I resisted - mostly. However, at A Great Notion's booth, I was able to peruse and purchase two serger books. I was aiming for great photographs with the instructions and these fit the bill. Also purchased a flexible ruler which will be handy measuring around curves and trying to replicate body shapes on pattern adjustments. You can see between the two photos how it can bend. The teens at home particularly liked this new tool! The Design Plus Fusible Bias tape was actually bought a mail order purchase that arrived. BWOF is always asking for a fusible bias tape only available in Europe. Here's the American counterpart. Thanks to Cidell who pointed me in this direction. I've yet to use it on arm and necklines but it definitely cuts down on bulk for stabilizing shoulder seams on knits.


cidell said...

Sandra Betzina also recommends it for keeping sleeveless garments closer to the body. Not that I've tried it yet either ;)

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

A flexible ruler!! I could really use one of those...do you know where a person would get one at the stores...I should look online.

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

I just reread your post and noticed you had that you had the name of the company you bought your ruler from, went on their site and "wow" they have neat stuff....thank-you for the info!! will be ordering a ruler!! Now to find time to sew.