Sunday, October 18, 2009

Silk in the wind

Knowing that the forecast this weekend was for warmer weather (much better than last weekend's snow), I planned to get some silk pre-washed before winter settles in. Thank you to La Sewista's instructions and step-by-step photo guide. The weather was overcast - good on ensuring the silk didn't fade but not great for showing how beautiful these four pieces are. The left-hand burgundy with flowers was from Fabricmart. It's chiffon as are the ivory and purple pieces on the right. The pink one with flowers was from Britex in San Francisco from our trip 18 months ago. This latter one will be for a blouse, sometime. Now that I gained the confidence to wash the silk, it's quite another thing to venture into actually sewing them. They are however delightful to hold in the hand. Realized as I ironed the latter piece that I'd paid for 2 3/8 yard but it's only 1 1/8. It was in the remnant section. Not much for the blouse, unfortunately.
POSTSCRIPT -- I emailed Britex with a photo of my silk fabric, a yard short. Fortunately, I still had the wrapper that stated 2 2/3 yards. They were very gracious. They have the fabric in stock and will mail me another yard -- even though they don't normally ship to Canada. Thank you, Britex, and I look forward to visiting you again some day.

1 comment:

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

Beautiful fabric!! can not wait to see it sewn up.