Monday, April 26, 2010

A treasure trove of reading

My sewing friend
often includes wonderful quotes from books on her blog. The night before my surgery, she arrived on our door step with a delicious casserole and homemade bread in preparation for our return from hospital. (and her kindness certainly cheered me as I dealt with pre-surgery jitters). Then she asks, "is there anything else I could do?" Now, normally one often says, 'oh no, you've done enough'-- as she certainly had. But I knew there was one way she could help. I needed some good, light, interesting reading and I was pretty sure from her careful choosing of quotes from her blog that she'd be able to help me out. When I got back from my day and night at the hospital, there was this wonderful stack of books waiting. It's a wonderful treasure of stories -- already polished off one. Are some of your favourites in here also?


Shelley said...

Oh my word! I found you over at Celie's Pants and thought, 'I didn't write that comment...' Turns out we share the same first name, but you do the two things I would love to be able to: garden and sew. I shall watch and be envious and perhaps become less lazy... Pleased to meet 'meet' you.

HavetoomuchYarn said...

I enjoyed "Secret Life of Bees" and "Vinegar Hill" although both were read a long time ago. ♥L