A blog must have photos. But my camera has died. No, that's not accurate. The camera still works but the flash is gone. The puppy's soft maltese hair is nearly five inches long now and she's ever so cute. But the camera will only let me take photos without the flash and the quick-moving bundle becomes a blur.
Many years ago, my livelihood involved always having a camera near by. It was a Nikon FM2 -- all manual and I was very proud of it. It fit beautifully in my hands. I couldn't afford the Nikkor lenses but I had various lenses that went with it. And a big heavy flash. When the daughter was just over a year, I finally gave up 35 mm film and went with a Canon Powershot. While my work doesn't require a camera, having that little memory collector in my lap top bag has caught many a photo that's helped communicate our day-to-day ministry for the community. Since daughter is turning six soon, it makes sense the camera has given up. (Though the Nikon FM2, stored on a very high closet shelf, would still work fine)
My husband suggested that I get an SLR camera. You like photography he says. And I know there are photos that I miss because the easy-shot camera doesn't have the depth that my FM2 did. Yet, I know I've liked the little convenience camera. It's light. I can carry it most places. I can concentrate more on the people around me, then the heavy equipment. And realistically -- you can buy an SLR camera but then there's the lenses to purchase also.
So I'm looking at this Canon
Though the flash doesn't work, I captured a photo of youngest daughter and puppy this morning. Later, puppy had her first hair cut and the four to five inches of wonderful soft fur is down to about an inch and a half. Still soft puppy, though.
1 comment:
I started out with the powershot (although an older version), and it is a great little camera. But I just upgraded to a DSLR last summer, and I have to say that I really didn't realize what I was missing. I lug that thing everywhere now! (plus all the extras I have collected)
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